Here’s some AppleScript magic to have .ipnb-files runnable with a double click, like they should.

  1. Fire up AppleScript Editor (found in /Applications/Utilities/) and paste the following code:

     on run
     	set startPath to "" --change to your prefered path, mine was /Users/max/Dropbox/Dokument/Python
     	tell application "Terminal"
     		do script with command "cd " & startPath & " && ipython notebook"
     	end tell
     end run
     on open the_files
     	repeat with i from 1 to the count of the_files
     		tell application "Finder"
     			set p to POSIX path of (item i of the_files)
     		end tell
     		tell application "Terminal"
     			do script with command "ipython notebook " & p
     		end tell
     	end repeat
     end open
  2. Save as a program preferably in your /Applications/ folder.
  3. Press Cmd+i on any .ipnb-file.
  4. Under Open with select your created program.
  5. Press Change all...
  6. Profit!?!?

They should now open in the browser. If you just want to start Ipython Notebook you can just double click it like any program (and of course put it in your dock). Be sure to set the variable setPath to something like /Users/max/Dropbox/Dokument/Python so you’re at your prefered path right from the start.

And while we’re at it, here’s some code for a drag and drop AppleScript converting .ipnb to markdown .md:

on open the_files
   repeat with i from 1 to the count of the_files
   	tell application "Finder"
   		set filePath to POSIX path of (item i of the_files)
   	end tell
   	tell application "Terminal"
   		set parentFolder to POSIX path of ((the_files as text) & "::")
   		do script with command "cd " & parentFolder & " && ipython nbconvert --to markdown " & filePath
   	end tell
	end repeat
end open